Artifact-based Computing & User Research

Computers have become an integral part of our everyday lives. While in the past we have used these machines only occasionally to perform calculations, manage data, run simulations or browse the web, they are now substantially embedded in our private and working environments. Mobile devices, smart speakers or home automation have become mass markets, but these technologies are just the beginning.

What We Do

Recent advances in sensing, processing, and machine learning are expected to gradually transition our world into a new era where machines take initiative and proactively approach their users, while gradually fading into sensitive application areas with societal and ethical consequences. This development is propelled by new modalities of interaction, such as voice, virtual/augmented reality, emerging sensing opportunities introspecting users and new capabilities of predicting user needs and intentions.

Main research focus

  • Research through design in transdisciplinary settings
  • AI-driven assistance and companion systems
  • Human-machine and human-AI cooperation in a variety of contexts
  • Adaptive and attention-aware information systems
  • Explainability, transparency, and accountability of AI systems
  • New interaction modalities such as voice and AR/VR
  • Human-centered design in all stages from ideation to implementation – contextual design thinking in doing
  • User experience design
  • Co-creation of common artifacts – analog and digital
  • Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of digital artifacts
  • Societal, ethical, and gender-related implications of emerging technologies
  • Community building and engagement by design and through design-related activities
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EUSSET Summer School 2024
International Summer School
Hilda Tellioglu (Co-organizer), supported by EUSSET
26.-30.8.2024 – Vienna, Austria [more]

Seminar on Creativity and Infrastructuring
Seminar with presentations and discussions
Hilda Tellioglu (Co-organizer), supported by CTS
30.11.2023, Vienna, Austria [more]

Co-Creation Practices & Technologies for Open Urban Planning
A workshop at the 11th International Conference on Communities & Technologies
Hilda Tellioglu (Co-organizer), supported by EUSSET
30.05.2023, Lahti, Finland [more]

Recent Publications


STEAM - STEM - stART ´em

A Doctorate College to identify the challenges of inclusive, meaningful, and effective STEM teaching and to meet them through the innovative possibilities of the fields of computer science/technology and art/art education. The individual dissertation topics first capture the current status in the Austrian education and school landscape and then derive new interventions with the help of innovative processes from computer science, architecture, art, and education in order to evaluate the further potential of various approaches.


Transforming streets into accessible urban oases through consensus building with digital and analogue tools – The transformation of neighbourhoods from car-dominated to people-centred places requires the consensus of multiple stakeholders. Consensus can be built by developing a common understanding of the local issues, building trust among stakeholders, empowerment of local communities to act on their own issues and raising awareness of the long-term impacts of street interventions. The project will develop the StreetForum Toolkit to help urban authorities, citizens and civic organisations to build consensus around street transformation projects affecting accessibility in urban neighbourhoods. 


Human-Robot Collaboration

Exploring the different ways we can improve collaboration between man and machine, while leveraging their individual strengths.

motor learning

Haptic interactions such as Electric muscle stimulation (EMS) need an understanding of parameters concerning the design of bodily integration systems, and ways to promote appropriate experiences. We investigate the elements that may influence an EMS system’s user experience, notably the user acceptance with having the body actuated, as well as the relationship with motor learning.


eternity bike

We develop and evaluate the implementation of a self-balancing assisted bicycle, with the aim to integrate safety features, devices and add connected driving features. So far, we have developed a high-fidelity VR bicycle simulator to conduct realistic studies with human participants



aspern.mobil LAB

The aspern.mobil LAB creates a space where residents, researchers, municipalities and companies can collectively contribute to the development of new, urban mobility in Seestadt Aspern. It aims to locally establish and support a new culture of mobility and innovation that can become a local flagship project for Austria as a location for innovation. Mobility and innovation culture should be carried by the community emerging around aspern.mobili LAB. The lab serves as an infrastructure for research and development. The core areas of innovative mobility solutions include active mobility, shared mobility as a service, as well as first/last-mile logistics and the analysis of their spatial, economic, ecological and social added value.


The SmartHubs project examines mobility hubs, dedicated on-street locations where citizens can choose from different shared and sustainable mobility options. The main objective is to assess if a co-designed, user-centric development can enable mobility hubs to act as a game changer towards inclusive sustainable urban mobility and accessibility. SmartHubs will examine, develop and apply research methods and tools in SmartHubs Living Labs in Brussels, Rotterdam-the Hague metropolitan region, Munich, Vienna and Istanbul.


Open Theses:

Digital Dentist – Investigating the processes involved between patient and dentist (Bachelor)

Interactive turn-off guard for cyclists (Diploma)

Investigating Rotational Motion in Virtual Reality Bicycle Simulators (Diploma)

Physically Realistic Force Simulation for a VR Bicycle Simulator (Bachelor  |  Diploma)

“Green Fifteen” –Concept of dynamic grouping of cyclists in traffic (Bachelor)

Design of an Active Shield Electrode for Directed Capacitive Coupling (Bachelor)

Acquisition of Ground Truth for Wearable Step Detection in the Wild (BachelorDiploma

OpenIBC: Circuit Design for Intra-Body Communication (Diploma)

Depth Image-based Respiratory Rate Measurement (Diploma)




Our People


Andrea Birbaumer

External Lecturer

Kevin Blasiak


Jessica Cauchard


Sonja Dorfbauer

Student Staff

Khaled Kassem

Research Assistant

Ioana Klammer

Office Services

Gerfried Mikusch

Research Assistant

Marcel Peralt-Bonell

Student Staff

Ambika Shahu

Research Assistant

Hilda Tellioglu


Mert Usul

Student Staff

Yu Wang

Project assistant

Philipp Wintersberger

Co-affiliated Professor

Florian Wolling


IT Services


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1040 Vienna

Contact Person:
Office Services
Ioana Nicoara

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