Florian Michahelles
My name is Florian Michahelles. I have joined TU Wien as a full professor for ubiquitous computing in 2020. My previous stations include head of research group at Siemens Corporation in Berkeley/CA, associate director Auto-ID Labs at ETH Zurich, Visiting Researcher at Keio University, and MIT Sloan Visiting Fellow.
I hold a Ph.D. from ETH Zurich an MSc from the Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich in Computer Science.
I’m interested in applying technology to support humans in their tasks and activities while keeping the human user in control. How can we wrap computing capabilities into proactive services, how can we leverage AI to free users from routine and mundane tasks and let them focus on what we humans usually are best at: creativity, problem solving, critical thinking, and social collaboration?
We develop new artifacts and prototypes in order to experience and evaluate novel concepts of human machine collaboration.
We invite students, research collaborators, and partners from industry to join us for this endeavor.
Furthermore, due to my early engagement as a student at CDTM, participant of MIT’s E-Lab, co-founder of 42matters, several years of mentoring of startups in the Bay Area, co-organizer of Intrapreneurship events at Siemens, I also have a strong foothold in entrepreneurship and management of innovation.

see my profile on google scholar
Invited talks
- Shared Control, Keynote, Workshop on Smart Object, Munich, October 2021
- How humans and machines can complement each other, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany, September 2021
- Towards the eternity bike – experiences from building a self-balancing bicycle, Interactive Technology for cycling, SIGCHI Sponsored Cycling Event, September 2021
- Ubiquitous Computing – it’s all about the user, 7th IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP 2020), Irvine, Orange County, California, USA, September 2020
- Digital Companion: Künstliche Intelligenz als unterstützender Handlanger bei Routineaufgaben, Ringvorlesung “Neue Mensch-Maschinen-Beziehungen: Wer oder was entscheidet? –“, St. Gallen, November 2020
- Ubiquitous Computing – it’s all about the user, Oberseminar, Uni Oldenburg, OFFIS, November 2020
Services for the scientific community
- IEEE Pervasive Computing, Associate Editors in Chief
- Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Associate Editor
- IoT Conference, chair of the steering committee